CST #498: John Wick 3
The hot weather is finally here to stay and so are a few of Barbara Jean’s kids; Mac’s pork butt disaster; Walker Percy would probably...
CST #497: Dead to Me
The school year is winding down, Jude and Mac go camping, Dead to Me gives us life, and Jude reminds us how important lots of little...
CST #496: Taking a Stand on Abortion
The whole family travels down to Blakely for Mothers’ Day weekend and witnesses the death of a snake, Katherine revisits The DaVinci Code...
CST #495: Uplifting Movies to Watch with Family
Mac gets another year older and we go to a first communion as we attempt to take our god-parenting to the level that it should be. And we...
Spoiled! with Mac & Katherine: Avengers: Endgame
Avengers: Endgame Mac and Katherine open a big ol can of Endgame spoilers. And it's safe to say they enjoyed it greatly. Send us some...
CST #494: Beyond Turgid
Mac takes the boys to see the biggest movie of the year while Kat has to go to a stupid baby shower. We finally get caught up on all our...