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Musings from the Porch

Oct 21, 2019
Pre-Advent Week #2
1: Think about appointments that need to be made and make them! Hair, Nails, Dentist, Doctor, Groomer for Dog 2: Plan a time for yard...
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Oct 17, 2019
Why I'm doing PreAdvent planning and you should, too.
Last year at the end of Christmas festivities of 2018, as my family and I drove away from our last event, I broke down in tears. I don't...
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Jan 12, 2018
in the mud...
I can hear...the water trickling through the ice machine...the clock ticking above the basement door...the occasional drip of the rain on...
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May 7, 2016
A Swim (a piece of an idea...don't get excited)
Eve dove off the back of the boat into the sea. She came up for air, treading the smooth glassy water, and looked around her. The sun...
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Feb 28, 2016
Consequences for whom...
Following the internet rabbit hole this morning, which for me usually involves Digg, my blog reader, led me to a quote by someone named...
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Nov 6, 2015
The Creative Process
I've been thinking a lot lately about the creative process. What does it mean to take an idea, a dream, a thought, an image, and bring...
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Oct 18, 2015
An unexpected cry...
This morning I woke up for some reason thinking about the book "A Severe Mercy." I honestly can't remember what thread of thought led me...
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Sep 23, 2015
How's it going with Georgia Cyber Academy?
Well...I guess it's going ok. We knew that it would be challenging. Of course it would be more difficult to have someone else's schedule...
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Sep 19, 2015
Into the thick of it...
Here we are, six weeks into the school year. How's it going? How are YOU doing? Me...let's see. The thing about homeschooling is that...
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Aug 19, 2015
7 Rules for Family Vacation Planning
What do I want to do? I want to travel. I want to have a home, a stable place to come back to. I love my house. There are days, months...
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