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Why I'm doing PreAdvent planning and you should, too.


Last year at the end of Christmas festivities of 2018, as my family and I drove away from our last event, I broke down in tears. I don't know that I've ever had such a stressful holiday season. And it shouldn't have been.

My kids aren't little. I have a wonderful family who came together and who I am so blessed to have. My husband is wonderful and dives in to planning and cooking and wrapping with me.

But from the day we got our Christmas tree, it seemed like the momentum of the season was pushing me along, never allowing me to stop and just enjoy the moments of joy that I know were there. There was always another party I wasn't prepared for, another gift I forgot to buy, another food item coming out of the oven late.

Looking back, I don't want to be that person again. I want my children to remember a mom who revels in the beauty of the Advent Season and somehow, along the way, helps them to draw closer to Christ - the little baby we do all this for.

This year, I'm taking back my Advent. I want to be Mary this year, not Martha. I want our Lord to say - "You chose the better part."

Won't you join me?

I'll be keeping checklists here on our website.

We will be updating our listeners during the Catholic in A Small Town Podcast each week.

I'll be posting reminders each week at Instagram - follow us @mandkbarron


Let's take back the season!



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© 2022 Mac And Katherine Barron

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