CST #522: The Journey Home Town
Mac & Kat get to be on The Journey Home!!! Also, we watch Home Town, Kat reads Till We Have Faces, and Cardinal Sarah gives us a clue as...

CST #521: Jet Ski Lingerie
Mac & Kat take on Beaufort, SC for an outdoor wedding, winter sits itself down, Disney+ hits big, and Mac has some thoughts on Exodus 90....

CST #518: Mechanism of Injury
Jude takes a tumble, mom has a health scare, we got a bed for cheap, Katherine works up a sweat playing Beat Saber, she and Sam have a...

CST #217: Have You Ever Met a Good Buzzard?
We borrow mom’s boat just in time for the heat to break, Mac hits a United game with his men’s group, is able to finish The Dark Crystal...

CST #516: Stop Hoarding!
We have a week full of friends, funnies, and hoarders. Also, Mac finishes a few books and we give you an update on Exodus 90. Books:...

CST #515: Ad Astra
Katherine works...alot, Mac works out...alot, we like Ad Astra...alot, and Katherine cries...a bit. Movies, TV, & Podcasts: Nacho Libre...

CST #514: Not Falling “Inn” Love with IT 2
We got a new dog! Katherine is not impressed with Unplanned, Fall Inn Love, or IT 2 and we introduce you to your new Catholic hero, John...

CST #513: Kink in the Rhythm of Our Lives
We head across the state for Mom’s birthday after a rough week. E90 is the gift that keeps on making Mac a (better) unhappy man, Jim...

CST #512: The Dark Crystal Returns!
Mac & Kat host a couple of yappy dogs, Exodus 90 is trucking along one cold shower at a time, The Dark Crystal is back and is great, and...